DevOps and the cloud are powering change and delivering business value to insurers, as CSAA Insurance Group discovered via an automated testing...
In Season: Technology Advances and Standards Ripen Cloud Option for Insurers
Think you have heard all you need to know about the benefits of cloud deployment of enterprise solutions? Get ready for more because cloud is...
Insurance Doing Digital Right. Who, How and Why?
What side of the digital divide are you on? You’ll find the answer in the new ACORD/Genpact report, Assessing Digital Impact Across Insurer and...
Put Your Head in the Cloud If You Have the Need for Speed
A recent announcement from Liberty Mutual shared with the industry how they leveraged our EIS Suite™ software and the power of the AWS cloud to...
Where Do Insurers Get the Highest Value from Cloud Operations?
DevOps and the cloud are powering change and delivering business value to insurers, as CSAA Insurance Group discovered via an automated testing...
In Season: Technology Advances and Standards Ripen Cloud Option for Insurers
Think you have heard all you need to know about the benefits of cloud deployment of enterprise solutions? Get ready for more because cloud is...
Insurance Doing Digital Right. Who, How and Why?
What side of the digital divide are you on? You’ll find the answer in the new ACORD/Genpact report, Assessing Digital Impact Across Insurer and...
Put Your Head in the Cloud If You Have the Need for Speed
A recent announcement from Liberty Mutual shared with the industry how they leveraged our EIS Suite™ software and the power of the AWS cloud to...