Are requests for proposals actually meaningful and useful, or just another exercise in “covering your assets”? In the hilarious first episode of...

Are requests for proposals actually meaningful and useful, or just another exercise in “covering your assets”? In the hilarious first episode of...
EIS is pleased to announce that we have opened a new office in Cork, our second office in Ireland in the past six months. This new collaborative...
Lassie, the beloved Rough Collie who adorned TV screens throughout the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, was famous for the devotion and loyalty she showed...
The thrall of insurtech and its possibilities for innovative customer experiences, product development, and emerging business models continues to...
Digital transformations are important for insurers, but most insurance digital transformations are doomed to fail. Here’s why.
Today’s insurance industry needs digital transformation. But what makes insurance digital transformation better, technology or people?
Converting your legacy life insurance software into a new system can be costly and time-consuming. But here’s why it’s worth it.
Some marriages prove more fruitful than others, bestowing prosperity on those who learn to make the most of what life brings by successfully...
It’s that time of year again when the who's who of insurance show up in the “Other City of Lights,” aka Las Vegas, to explore the latest and...
As enterprise software evolves from cloud-hosted to cloud-native architectures, systems deployed even a few years ago will need to be replaced to...
For nearly a decade, insurers have assumed that digital transformation required massive core systems replacement projects. But new ways of thinking...
Author, advisor, and innovation expert Chunka Mui offers observations on insurance, digital transformation in the time of COVID-19, insurtech...
Once safely isolated from the digital transformation of insurance, the global pandemic is forcing dental insurers to swallow a lot of change all at...
It’s not a perfect analogy but stick with me for a minute. After two years of hard use, I finally broke my mobile phone a couple of weeks back....
As insurers look to form sustainable and scalable ecosystems, they’ll need to expose their products, rules, and rates to other systems of...
The whole idea would have been ludicrous even three years ago. Now, seemingly out of nowhere, new and credible insurance brands are popping up with...
If you could start over, knowing what you know today, what would your life look like? Where would you live? How would you spend your time and money,...
Are requests for proposals actually meaningful and useful, or just another exercise in “covering your assets”? In the hilarious first episode of...
EIS is pleased to announce that we have opened a new office in Cork, our second office in Ireland in the past six months. This new collaborative...
Lassie, the beloved Rough Collie who adorned TV screens throughout the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, was famous for the devotion and loyalty she showed...
The thrall of insurtech and its possibilities for innovative customer experiences, product development, and emerging business models continues to...
Digital transformations are important for insurers, but most insurance digital transformations are doomed to fail. Here’s why.
Today’s insurance industry needs digital transformation. But what makes insurance digital transformation better, technology or people?
Converting your legacy life insurance software into a new system can be costly and time-consuming. But here’s why it’s worth it.
Some marriages prove more fruitful than others, bestowing prosperity on those who learn to make the most of what life brings by successfully...
It’s that time of year again when the who's who of insurance show up in the “Other City of Lights,” aka Las Vegas, to explore the latest and...
As enterprise software evolves from cloud-hosted to cloud-native architectures, systems deployed even a few years ago will need to be replaced to...
For nearly a decade, insurers have assumed that digital transformation required massive core systems replacement projects. But new ways of thinking...
Author, advisor, and innovation expert Chunka Mui offers observations on insurance, digital transformation in the time of COVID-19, insurtech...
Once safely isolated from the digital transformation of insurance, the global pandemic is forcing dental insurers to swallow a lot of change all at...
It’s not a perfect analogy but stick with me for a minute. After two years of hard use, I finally broke my mobile phone a couple of weeks back....
As insurers look to form sustainable and scalable ecosystems, they’ll need to expose their products, rules, and rates to other systems of...
The whole idea would have been ludicrous even three years ago. Now, seemingly out of nowhere, new and credible insurance brands are popping up with...
If you could start over, knowing what you know today, what would your life look like? Where would you live? How would you spend your time and money,...