I'm very pleased to announce the general availability and completion of version 10 of EIS Suite™. Version 10 is the culmination of 12 months of...

I'm very pleased to announce the general availability and completion of version 10 of EIS Suite™. Version 10 is the culmination of 12 months of...
As insurers look to form sustainable and scalable ecosystems, they’ll need to expose their products, rules, and rates to other systems of...
Some things are greater than the sum of their parts. ENGAGE 2020, our upcoming customer event, is one of them. Above: Aerial image of Pelican Hills...
There’s one ugly truth behind most every digital insurance transformation project: the customer experience sucks. Armed with personal technology and...
The whole idea would have been ludicrous even three years ago. Now, seemingly out of nowhere, new and credible insurance brands are popping up with...
If you could start over, knowing what you know today, what would your life look like? Where would you live? How would you spend your time and money,...
A key theme at LIMRA’s recent Group and Worksite Benefits Conference was how carriers could adapt to the disruption swirling about the insurance...
On-time and under-budget delivery of 27 A&H coverages within four LOBs in less than 11 months and great leaps in operational efficiency win...
Are you a benefits insurer planning to move down market? How will you win in the small case, small business market? Here are 5 questions to ask...
Observations on legacy modernization trends for benefits insurers in Novarica’s new report Since health care reform and the explosion of voluntary...
A very similar, consistent theme emerged in sessions throughout LIMRA’s recent Enrollment Tech conference. Insurance companies want to be at a place...
Your distribution engine powers sales, but the fuel you need for each market segment differs. The capabilities you need to support voluntary sales...
How to make your benefits products a good fit for small businesses Looked at from a marketing lens, my personal truth is that I am a demographic of...
You have surely heard it said that small businesses are the growth engine for America. Today, the phrase has a special ring to it for benefits...
Something normal happened during Mardi Gras this year in New Orleans. Amongst all the chaos, a conference broke out. Workplace Benefits Renaissance...
On February 2, Groundhog Day, something different happened at the annual LIMRA Enrollment Technology Strategy Seminar (ETSS). For the last three...
I'm very pleased to announce the general availability and completion of version 10 of EIS Suite™. Version 10 is the culmination of 12 months of...
As insurers look to form sustainable and scalable ecosystems, they’ll need to expose their products, rules, and rates to other systems of...
Some things are greater than the sum of their parts. ENGAGE 2020, our upcoming customer event, is one of them. Above: Aerial image of Pelican Hills...
There’s one ugly truth behind most every digital insurance transformation project: the customer experience sucks. Armed with personal technology and...
The whole idea would have been ludicrous even three years ago. Now, seemingly out of nowhere, new and credible insurance brands are popping up with...
If you could start over, knowing what you know today, what would your life look like? Where would you live? How would you spend your time and money,...
A key theme at LIMRA’s recent Group and Worksite Benefits Conference was how carriers could adapt to the disruption swirling about the insurance...
On-time and under-budget delivery of 27 A&H coverages within four LOBs in less than 11 months and great leaps in operational efficiency win...
Are you a benefits insurer planning to move down market? How will you win in the small case, small business market? Here are 5 questions to ask...
Observations on legacy modernization trends for benefits insurers in Novarica’s new report Since health care reform and the explosion of voluntary...
A very similar, consistent theme emerged in sessions throughout LIMRA’s recent Enrollment Tech conference. Insurance companies want to be at a place...
Your distribution engine powers sales, but the fuel you need for each market segment differs. The capabilities you need to support voluntary sales...
How to make your benefits products a good fit for small businesses Looked at from a marketing lens, my personal truth is that I am a demographic of...
You have surely heard it said that small businesses are the growth engine for America. Today, the phrase has a special ring to it for benefits...
Something normal happened during Mardi Gras this year in New Orleans. Amongst all the chaos, a conference broke out. Workplace Benefits Renaissance...
On February 2, Groundhog Day, something different happened at the annual LIMRA Enrollment Technology Strategy Seminar (ETSS). For the last three...