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How the CrowdStrike Outage Illustrates Insurers’ Need for Resilience
Learn how the cloud-agnostic flexibility of EIS Platform can provide insurance companies with a safety net against system outages and data breaches.
Why MACH’s 4 Components Win in Protection Insurance
Learn how protection insurers can gain a competitive edge with MACH-based architecture, featuring microservices, API-first design, cloud-native solutions, and headless capabilities.
To Cloud or Not To Cloud? That is the Question.
Learn how to navigate the complexities of cloud-based insurance operations to ensure a successful transition for your company.
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What the insurance industry can learn from the leadership of Ted Lasso (part 1)
As someone who’s constantly on the lookout for books, podcasts, shows, or movies that provide insights into great leadership and coaching for the...
Absence Management: Harnessing Employee Absence Data to Save Time and Money
The COVID-19 pandemic heightened awareness around managing employee leaves of absence and associated regulations. In fact, according to a recent...
Creating a Better Consumer Journey in Healthcare Insurance
Let's look at two scenarios we've all experienced. Sally went to the local ER with a pounding headache. She was examined by the doctor and taken for...
Successfully Navigating the Evolving European Bancassurance Landscape
Some marriages prove more fruitful than others, bestowing prosperity on those who learn to make the most of what life brings by successfully...
The Power of Partnerships in Insurance’s Customer-Centric Evolution
From personalization and improving customer experiences to the need for more speed and agility, today’s insurance industry is faced with constantly...
Why Health and Dental Insurers Need Better Plan Flexibility
Already at play around the globe, consumerization catapulted to the top of insurers’ priorities list with COVID-19. Consumers have come to expect...
6 Technology Traits that Separate Life Insurance Leaders from Laggards
It’s no secret that digital transformation is causing the life insurance industry to look increasingly different than it used to be. The key drivers...
For Health Plans, A Seamless Customer Journey Means Adding Dental and Vision Insurance
Dental, vision, and medical policies developed separately because they were launched at different times in history. Now customer expectations are...
Embedded Insurance: Coverage When You Need It, Where You Need It
People have a love-hate relationship with insurance. They know they need it — without it, they wouldn’t be able to pay for major car or home...
Exceeding Customer Experience Expectations with Speed and Agility
Every insurance professional knows they’re in the risk business. But in 2021, insurance leaders know that selling any consumer product also puts...
How Old-School Thinking is Holding Dental Insurance Technology Back
Dental insurance CIOs and CTOs are often stuck in old technology processes. Improving their prospects means fully embracing new Agile technologies...
7 Steps to a Successful Core System Transformation for Life Insurers
Digital transformation is a priority for most life insurers, but few are adequately prepared for the process of replacing aging core systems. Here...
Reimagine Life Insurance: How Digital Transformation Will Recast the Role of Agents
As digital self-service tools and apps have emerged, many tasks traditionally performed by agents are being digitized and automated. Will agents...
Digital Transformation Arrives for Life Insurers
Persona-based apps, slick customer experiences, and the ability to create and join digital insurance ecosystems are now a reality for L&A...
How Legacy Systems are Hindering the Healthcare Insurance Experience
Legacy systems are the anchor that’s preventing healthcare insurance executives from moving forward. Here’s why removing those systems creates a...
Reimagine Life Insurance: 5 Stats to Help Life Insurers Captivate Millennials
Despite being a prime demographic target, millennials have eluded life insurers. To win over this generation, insurers must design products and...
Legacy is History: Disruption at the Doorstep of Health Insurers
Health plans face the same challenges P&C, L&A, and other insurers have been wrestling with: core administration systems have become too big...
Full Speed Ahead: Why Metromile and Others are Adopting Insurance Core Systems to Win in an Autonomous Vehicle World
Advances in driverless cars and the accompanying infrastructure just keep rolling toward their inevitable widespread availability. Most recently,...
Life Insurance Reimagined: New Distribution Models Promote Health and Wellness
Bundles, partners, and ecosystems are the modern foundation for creating the one-stop shopping experiences critical to your future success With...
Desjardins General Insurance Group taps EIS and Microsoft to Deliver Cloud-Native Digital Transformation and Business Value
In one of the largest cloud deployments of insurance core systems, DGIG is transforming personal lines products and enhancing the customer and agent...
Rewriting the Rules of Underwriting in Life Insurance
From health records and credit scores to social media posts and biometrics, vast volumes of customer data are generated every second. Life insurers...
Full Speed Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges in a Driverless Paradigm
When gold standard companies in the high-tech and automotive industries start teaming up to accelerate the commercialization of driverless cars, you...
SaaS for Insurance: The Key to Meeting Policyholder and Insurer Needs
A SaaS platform can help insurers reduce the internal resources needed to maintain a core software platform while preserving the security and...
Bring Insurance Products to Market Faster With Low Code/No Code Tools
Insurers that can build, test, and launch products quickly will gain significant competitive advantages, and low code/no code tools are their go-to...
Partner Smarter: The Basics of Building a Life Insurance Ecosystem
Life insurers increasingly recognize that partnerships and ecosystems offer exciting potential for product innovation, improved customer experience,...