The next deadline for the FCA’s Consumer Duty regulations is coming up in July, and for many insurers, it’ll be more important than the first.

The next deadline for the FCA’s Consumer Duty regulations is coming up in July, and for many insurers, it’ll be more important than the first.
Discover how the Addams family could revolutionize insurance, from Gomez as CFO to Wednesday as Head of Fraud Investigation to Thing as Automation Enabler.
Ambition is going to be vital during insurance’s next stage of evolution. Today ambitious insurers are building customer experience as a way to differentiate themselves, expanding products and partnering across an ever-expanding ecosystem to bring new value to customers’ lives.
EIS’ Jim Caruso discusses how this team will support customer and partner successes and position EIS for even more growth.
Are requests for proposals actually meaningful and useful, or just another exercise in “covering your assets”? In the hilarious first episode of...
EIS is pleased to announce that we have opened a new office in Cork, our second office in Ireland in the past six months. This new collaborative...
While everyone talks about digital transformation and moving away from legacy platforms, few insurers are doing what it takes to stay ahead of...
Our acquisition of Metromile’s Enterprise Business Solutions (EBS) coincided with a recent report from Accenture and a spate of LinkedIn posts from...
Why mass personalization could be key to successful insurance small case marketing on Main Street.
Key observations on what’s next for the insurance software industry and on helping insurers unlock their true potential.
For better customer experiences and more customer centricity, insurance companies need coretech.
For insurance companies, the measurement of business success is flawed. Here’s why insurers need to focus on customer loyalty.
According to McKinsey’s latest “Global Innovation Survey,” more than 80% of executives believe innovation is an important aspect of their growth...
Thanks to everyone who has come back to my series on the coaching and leadership genius of Ted Lasso, and what the insurance industry can learn from...
Thanks to everyone who decided to come back to read Part 2 of this article. If you haven’t had a chance to read part 1, I suggest you read that...
Legacy systems, whether a few years young or decades old, simply were not designed for today’s business models and fast integrations. In fact,...
Today, an insurer can still compete and win based on products. Tomorrow, it’s a different story. Customers are demanding insurers reimagine the...
As someone who’s constantly on the lookout for books, podcasts, shows, or movies that provide insights into great leadership and coaching for the...
The COVID-19 pandemic heightened awareness around managing employee leaves of absence and associated regulations. In fact, according to a recent...
Let's look at two scenarios we've all experienced. Sally went to the local ER with a pounding headache. She was examined by the doctor and taken for...
In one of the largest cloud deployments of insurance core systems, DGIG is transforming personal lines products and enhancing the customer and agent...
Part 2 in a Series With road testing of driverless vehicles now underway across North America, and more pilots on the horizon, it’s no wonder...
Few dispute that purchasing life insurance still lags behind other customer experiences. In fact, according to The 2020 Insurer Compass report, less...
Architected for the future of insurance, coretech ensures you can provide a superior customer experience and meet emerging market needs across all...
How a digital experience platform frees your business users from their reliance on IT to create engaging billing and payment experiences Part 2 in a...
The next deadline for the FCA’s Consumer Duty regulations is coming up in July, and for many insurers, it’ll be more important than the first.
Discover how the Addams family could revolutionize insurance, from Gomez as CFO to Wednesday as Head of Fraud Investigation to Thing as Automation Enabler.
Ambition is going to be vital during insurance’s next stage of evolution. Today ambitious insurers are building customer experience as a way to differentiate themselves, expanding products and partnering across an ever-expanding ecosystem to bring new value to customers’ lives.
EIS’ Jim Caruso discusses how this team will support customer and partner successes and position EIS for even more growth.
Are requests for proposals actually meaningful and useful, or just another exercise in “covering your assets”? In the hilarious first episode of...
EIS is pleased to announce that we have opened a new office in Cork, our second office in Ireland in the past six months. This new collaborative...
While everyone talks about digital transformation and moving away from legacy platforms, few insurers are doing what it takes to stay ahead of...
Our acquisition of Metromile’s Enterprise Business Solutions (EBS) coincided with a recent report from Accenture and a spate of LinkedIn posts from...
Why mass personalization could be key to successful insurance small case marketing on Main Street.
Key observations on what’s next for the insurance software industry and on helping insurers unlock their true potential.
For better customer experiences and more customer centricity, insurance companies need coretech.
For insurance companies, the measurement of business success is flawed. Here’s why insurers need to focus on customer loyalty.
According to McKinsey’s latest “Global Innovation Survey,” more than 80% of executives believe innovation is an important aspect of their growth...
Thanks to everyone who has come back to my series on the coaching and leadership genius of Ted Lasso, and what the insurance industry can learn from...
Thanks to everyone who decided to come back to read Part 2 of this article. If you haven’t had a chance to read part 1, I suggest you read that...
Legacy systems, whether a few years young or decades old, simply were not designed for today’s business models and fast integrations. In fact,...
Today, an insurer can still compete and win based on products. Tomorrow, it’s a different story. Customers are demanding insurers reimagine the...
As someone who’s constantly on the lookout for books, podcasts, shows, or movies that provide insights into great leadership and coaching for the...
The COVID-19 pandemic heightened awareness around managing employee leaves of absence and associated regulations. In fact, according to a recent...
Let's look at two scenarios we've all experienced. Sally went to the local ER with a pounding headache. She was examined by the doctor and taken for...
In one of the largest cloud deployments of insurance core systems, DGIG is transforming personal lines products and enhancing the customer and agent...
Part 2 in a Series With road testing of driverless vehicles now underway across North America, and more pilots on the horizon, it’s no wonder...
Few dispute that purchasing life insurance still lags behind other customer experiences. In fact, according to The 2020 Insurer Compass report, less...
Architected for the future of insurance, coretech ensures you can provide a superior customer experience and meet emerging market needs across all...
How a digital experience platform frees your business users from their reliance on IT to create engaging billing and payment experiences Part 2 in a...