Already at play around the globe, consumerization catapulted to the top of insurers’ priorities list with COVID-19. Consumers have come to expect...
L’approche traditionnelle dans le secteur de l’assurance dentaire : un frein à la technologie ?
Dans le secteur de l'assurance dentaire, les directeurs des systèmes d'information et de la technologie sont souvent enfermés dans des processus...
6 Technology Traits that Separate Life Insurance Leaders from Laggards
It’s no secret that digital transformation is causing the life insurance industry to look increasingly different than it used to be. The key drivers...
Assurance intégrée : une couverture sur mesure en toute circonstance
Les gens ont une relation très ambivalente à l'assurance. Ils savent qu'ils en ont besoin ; sans elle, ils ne pourraient faire réparer leur voiture...
Réussir la transformation des core systems d’assurance vie en 7 étapes
La transformation digitale est une priorité pour la plupart des prestataires d'assurance vie, mais peu sont réellement préparés au remplacement de...
For Health Plans, A Seamless Customer Journey Means Adding Dental and Vision Insurance
Dental, vision, and medical policies developed separately because they were launched at different times in history. Now customer expectations are...
Embedded Insurance: Coverage When You Need It, Where You Need It
People have a love-hate relationship with insurance. They know they need it — without it, they wouldn’t be able to pay for major car or home...
Comment les systèmes patrimoniaux entravent l’expérience de l’assurance santé
Les Legacy systems sont le point d'ancrage qui empêche les responsables de l'assurance santé d'aller de l'avant. Voici pourquoi la suppression de...
How Old-School Thinking is Holding Dental Insurance Technology Back
Dental insurance CIOs and CTOs are often stuck in old technology processes. Improving their prospects means fully embracing new Agile technologies...
7 Steps to a Successful Core System Transformation for Life Insurers
Digital transformation is a priority for most life insurers, but few are adequately prepared for the process of replacing aging core systems. Here...
Reimagine Life Insurance: How Digital Transformation Will Recast the Role of Agents
As digital self-service tools and apps have emerged, many tasks traditionally performed by agents are being digitized and automated. Will agents...
How Legacy Systems are Hindering the Healthcare Insurance Experience
Legacy systems are the anchor that’s preventing healthcare insurance executives from moving forward. Here’s why removing those systems creates a...
Reimagine Life Insurance: 5 Stats to Help Life Insurers Captivate Millennials
Despite being a prime demographic target, millennials have eluded life insurers. To win over this generation, insurers must design products and...
Legacy is History: Disruption at the Doorstep of Health Insurers
Health plans face the same challenges P&C, L&A, and other insurers have been wrestling with: core administration systems have become too big...
Full Speed Ahead: Why Metromile and Others are Adopting Insurance Core Systems to Win in an Autonomous Vehicle World
Advances in driverless cars and the accompanying infrastructure just keep rolling toward their inevitable widespread availability. Most recently,...
Life Insurance Reimagined: New Distribution Models Promote Health and Wellness
Bundles, partners, and ecosystems are the modern foundation for creating the one-stop shopping experiences critical to your future success With...
Le nouveau paradigme de l’assurance vie : des modèles de distribution au service de la santé et du bien-être
Les offres groupées, les partenaires et les écosystèmes constituent le nouveau socle sur lequel s’appuient les expériences de vente centralisée...
Rewriting the Rules of Underwriting in Life Insurance
From health records and credit scores to social media posts and biometrics, vast volumes of customer data are generated every second. Life insurers...
Repenser les principes de souscription en matière d’assurance vie
Des dossiers médicaux aux évaluations de solvabilité, en passant par les publications sur les réseaux sociaux et les informations biométriques, de...
Full Speed Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges in a Driverless Paradigm
When gold standard companies in the high-tech and automotive industries start teaming up to accelerate the commercialization of driverless cars, you...
SaaS for Insurance: The Key to Meeting Policyholder and Insurer Needs
A SaaS platform can help insurers reduce the internal resources needed to maintain a core software platform while preserving the security and...
Nouvelle génération de facturation : Résoudre les défis de la facturation dans le monde réel pour créer des expériences client de qualité
3ème partie d'une série On n’y échappe pas : les choses évoluent. Les gens trouvent un emploi, le quittent, se marient, changent de nom, ont des...
Bring Insurance Products to Market Faster With Low Code/No Code Tools
Insurers that can build, test, and launch products quickly will gain significant competitive advantages, and low code/no code tools are their go-to...
Accélérer la mise sur le marché des produits d’assurance grâce aux outils low-code/no-code
Les assureurs capables de créer, de tester et de lancer rapidement des produits peuvent s'arroger des avantages concurrentiels considérables. Dans...
L’orientation client et les atouts du coretech
La qualité des expériences client que vous proposez dépend de votre capacité à comprendre et à exploiter les données client. Dans ce cas, comment se...
Why Health and Dental Insurers Need Better Plan Flexibility
Already at play around the globe, consumerization catapulted to the top of insurers’ priorities list with COVID-19. Consumers have come to expect...
L’approche traditionnelle dans le secteur de l’assurance dentaire : un frein à la technologie ?
Dans le secteur de l'assurance dentaire, les directeurs des systèmes d'information et de la technologie sont souvent enfermés dans des processus...
6 Technology Traits that Separate Life Insurance Leaders from Laggards
It’s no secret that digital transformation is causing the life insurance industry to look increasingly different than it used to be. The key drivers...
Assurance intégrée : une couverture sur mesure en toute circonstance
Les gens ont une relation très ambivalente à l'assurance. Ils savent qu'ils en ont besoin ; sans elle, ils ne pourraient faire réparer leur voiture...
Réussir la transformation des core systems d’assurance vie en 7 étapes
La transformation digitale est une priorité pour la plupart des prestataires d'assurance vie, mais peu sont réellement préparés au remplacement de...
For Health Plans, A Seamless Customer Journey Means Adding Dental and Vision Insurance
Dental, vision, and medical policies developed separately because they were launched at different times in history. Now customer expectations are...
Embedded Insurance: Coverage When You Need It, Where You Need It
People have a love-hate relationship with insurance. They know they need it — without it, they wouldn’t be able to pay for major car or home...
Comment les systèmes patrimoniaux entravent l’expérience de l’assurance santé
Les Legacy systems sont le point d'ancrage qui empêche les responsables de l'assurance santé d'aller de l'avant. Voici pourquoi la suppression de...
How Old-School Thinking is Holding Dental Insurance Technology Back
Dental insurance CIOs and CTOs are often stuck in old technology processes. Improving their prospects means fully embracing new Agile technologies...
7 Steps to a Successful Core System Transformation for Life Insurers
Digital transformation is a priority for most life insurers, but few are adequately prepared for the process of replacing aging core systems. Here...
Reimagine Life Insurance: How Digital Transformation Will Recast the Role of Agents
As digital self-service tools and apps have emerged, many tasks traditionally performed by agents are being digitized and automated. Will agents...
How Legacy Systems are Hindering the Healthcare Insurance Experience
Legacy systems are the anchor that’s preventing healthcare insurance executives from moving forward. Here’s why removing those systems creates a...
Reimagine Life Insurance: 5 Stats to Help Life Insurers Captivate Millennials
Despite being a prime demographic target, millennials have eluded life insurers. To win over this generation, insurers must design products and...
Legacy is History: Disruption at the Doorstep of Health Insurers
Health plans face the same challenges P&C, L&A, and other insurers have been wrestling with: core administration systems have become too big...
Full Speed Ahead: Why Metromile and Others are Adopting Insurance Core Systems to Win in an Autonomous Vehicle World
Advances in driverless cars and the accompanying infrastructure just keep rolling toward their inevitable widespread availability. Most recently,...
Life Insurance Reimagined: New Distribution Models Promote Health and Wellness
Bundles, partners, and ecosystems are the modern foundation for creating the one-stop shopping experiences critical to your future success With...
Le nouveau paradigme de l’assurance vie : des modèles de distribution au service de la santé et du bien-être
Les offres groupées, les partenaires et les écosystèmes constituent le nouveau socle sur lequel s’appuient les expériences de vente centralisée...
Rewriting the Rules of Underwriting in Life Insurance
From health records and credit scores to social media posts and biometrics, vast volumes of customer data are generated every second. Life insurers...
Repenser les principes de souscription en matière d’assurance vie
Des dossiers médicaux aux évaluations de solvabilité, en passant par les publications sur les réseaux sociaux et les informations biométriques, de...
Full Speed Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges in a Driverless Paradigm
When gold standard companies in the high-tech and automotive industries start teaming up to accelerate the commercialization of driverless cars, you...
SaaS for Insurance: The Key to Meeting Policyholder and Insurer Needs
A SaaS platform can help insurers reduce the internal resources needed to maintain a core software platform while preserving the security and...
Nouvelle génération de facturation : Résoudre les défis de la facturation dans le monde réel pour créer des expériences client de qualité
3ème partie d'une série On n’y échappe pas : les choses évoluent. Les gens trouvent un emploi, le quittent, se marient, changent de nom, ont des...
Bring Insurance Products to Market Faster With Low Code/No Code Tools
Insurers that can build, test, and launch products quickly will gain significant competitive advantages, and low code/no code tools are their go-to...
Accélérer la mise sur le marché des produits d’assurance grâce aux outils low-code/no-code
Les assureurs capables de créer, de tester et de lancer rapidement des produits peuvent s'arroger des avantages concurrentiels considérables. Dans...
L’orientation client et les atouts du coretech
La qualité des expériences client que vous proposez dépend de votre capacité à comprendre et à exploiter les données client. Dans ce cas, comment se...